NC’s success in assembly polls critical in halting BJP’s dangerous agenda in J&K: Dr. Farooq Abdullah  

Addresses series of public meetings across Ganderbal 

Srinagar, 16 Sept: The President of the Jammu and Kashmir National Conference, Dr. Farooq Abdullah Monday emphasized the critical importance of the NC’s success in halting the BJP’s divisive agenda in Jammu and Kashmir. 

During a series of public gatherings at Pehlipora Safapora, Batwina, Gund Roshan, and Waskoora Ganderbal, Dr. Farooq said that the elections are not just about short-term goals, but about a long-term battle for the restoration of J&K’s identity and dignity. 

“There has to be no trade-off between development and dignity. We are committed to providing relief to our people who are suffering from development deficits, unemployment, and inflation. However, we must also be vigilant in preventing the BJP and its proxies from dividing us in Kashmir. Why do we see a proliferation of political parties only in Kashmir and not in Jammu? The answer is simple – it is a tactic to weaken our power. If the people had supported the NC in 2014, no one would have dared to challenge our dignity and identity. Instead, they chose the PDP, which betrayed their trust by forming a government with the BJP. They cannot be trusted now,” he said.

“The decision to align with the BJP in 2015 was a grave error that had negative consequences for every resident of the state. There is no room for further mistakes. It is crucial to identify and reject those who are working on behalf of the BJP, as allowing the leadership of Jammu and Kashmir to fall into their hands again would be catastrophic for the people,” he added.

Provincial Secretary Showkat Ahmad Mir, Publicity Secretary Mir GM Saqi were also present on the occasion. 

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