Condition of People across J&K worsened post Art 370 abrogation: Omar Abdullah

Addresses block convention at Liver, Pahalgam

Srinagar, 02 Apr: The Jammu and Kashmir National Conference Vice President Omar Abdullah on Tuesday asked people to make their approval or disapproval for August 05 2019 decisions clear through their use of ballot on the date of polls.

Omar said the upcoming general elections provide people a chance to show whether they liked or disliked the actions undertaken on the 5th of August, 2019. “What happened to us on that fateful day is fresh in our minds. Everything, every Insignia of our unique identity was snatched from us. Our flag, our Constitution, Our land and job rights were taken away from us. Now it’s upto you to show to the country and the world where we stand. It can be only done through the use of ballots on the day of polling,” he said.

The convention was organized by district president Anantnag and in-charge Pahalgam Altaf Ahmad Wani. On the occasion National Conference nominated candidate for Anantnag Rajouri parliamentary seat, Mian Altaf Ahmed, provincial president Nasir Aslam Wani, Political Advisor Mudassar Shahmiri, Provincial VP Dr. Bashir Ahmed Veeri, South Zone President Syed Tauqeer Ahmed, Senior Leaders Abdul Majeed Larmi, Sajjad Shaheen, Adv Riaz Khan, Chaudhry Zaffar, DDC members, Youth National Conference office bearers, block presidents and other party functionaries were also present.

In his address, Omar Abdullah said, “On August 5, 2019 when our special position was revoked, some promises were made to the people. It was said that development would be ushered in, jobs would be given to youth, corruption would be rooted out, people’s lives would change for the better and much more. However today we are forced to ask what all has changed since? What have our Gujjar brothers achieved? Has their fate changed? Have our youth been given job orders? Where is that much promised development? On the contrary, the situation has gone from bad to worse with every sector ranging from electricity, employment, development, horticulture taking a direct hit.”

He said that “today not a single section of Jammu and Kashmir is happy, every section is behind the wall. Look at the condition of the contractors here, March 31 is an important day. I ruled for 6 years and we used to keep the treasury open on that day. But the officers who are ruling over us today closed the treasuries on the 27th and said that there will be no payment. As far as I know, Rs 1000 crores will lapse in Kashmir province alone and will have to be sent back to the centre. I question the rulers, what do you get by kicking these poor people in the stomach? It is not Adani and Ambani but our small contractors, they are small laborers, millet workers, sand workers, cement workers and others. Workers have to pay money.”

He said that the limit is that even the vehicles hired by the police have not been paid for the last 9 months. The advantage was given to those who prepared to become B team, C team and D team. He said that they are being called to Delhi and asked to ensure the defeat of J&K National Conference.

He said that the supporters of BJP have nothing to do with the pain and suffering of the people here. “If the life of the people here had improved, I would have remained silent, why would I disturb the happiness of the people. But people here are facing great suffering, difficulties and challenges and this compels me to speak for the people and highlight their suffering.”

The NC Vice President appealed to the public that on the day of voting, when you go to the polling booth, you only have to think whether your life has improved after August 5, 2019 or not.

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