Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah: An Ode to the man and his life
By Tanvir Sadiq.
Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness and some have greatness thrust upon them.(William Shakespeare).
This pithy Shakespearean quote, typical of great minds, eloquently captures the nature, trajectory and contribution of the finest minds and greatest leaders that Kashmir has ever produced: Sher e Kashmir Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah. Few people in recorded history have not only achieved so much but left an indelible imprint and impression on the course of history, lives and psyche of people. Known as sher e Kashmir(Lion of Kashmir), Sheikh Muhammad Abdullah captured the hearts, minds and imagination of Kashmiris so much so that he epitomized the aspirations, wishes and desires of generations of Kashmiris. Kashmiris projected their hopes, fears and aspirations onto him and the great man responded in kind. Psychologically, sheikh sahib and Kashmiris were one. The trust reposed in the man was reciprocated in equal measure. People called him the bub(father) and he was , indeed the father of the nation.
Born into a humble family on the outskirts of Srinagar city, Soura, the fiery embers of rebellion, an acute sense of justice, passionate revulsion for injustice, sensitivity and high intelligence were an indelible part of his psychological make- up. The young Sheikh Sahib was marked for greatness at an early and tender age. These fine qualities were honed and refined as the great man began his journey of his remarkable life. Blessed with leadership qualities at an early age and a fine mind, Sheikh Sahib observed and absorbed the nature of the Kashmiri condition and internalized it so intensely that his life became entwined with Kashmir. His education validated to him the oppression and exploitation of Kashmiris.
It is said that Sheikh Sahib made a conscious decision to dedicate himself and his life for his people. But this is a half-truth. It may be more accurate to say that the Divine Will had made this decision and Sheikh Sahib saw and realized this and accepted the challenge. This meant a life of struggle, deprivation, harassment, solitude and incarceration. Sheikh Sahib accepted this with equanimity and dedicated his life to the welfare and upliftment of his people. Sheikh Sahib’s heart beat for Kashmir; Kashmiri’s and their welfare resided in his very soul and he breathed Kashmir. This was recognized and appreciated by the people of Kashmir who reposed their trust and confidence in the great man. Sheikh Sahib amplified and gave acuity to the voice of Kashmiris.
This voice, through the person of Sheik Sahib, reverberated in the halls of power and made the oppressors aware that the Kashmiri condition was not immutable and set in stone. A great man had decided to take the cudgels on behalf of Kashmiris and the days of oppression were numbered. This, however, was not to be the end of it all.
The real struggle , trials and tribulations were in store for Sheikh Sahib as the partition of British India took place. Caught in the vortex of a political whirlwind, and the need for a very important and significant decision, Sheikh Sahib, facing the horns of a dilemma made a set of choices which history is proving were not only right; but prudent and farsighted. However, he paid a price for all this. Prolonged incarceration, harassment of himself and his family and above all his people, for whom each heartbeat of his was devoted to, were the prices he paid. The great man passed each test , trial and tribulation with the strength of character that he was blessed with. Nothing-bullying, harassment, enticements of power and office- deterred him. He held his own against all and everything.
Sheikh Sahib’s life was an odyssey and each chapter of his life was devoted and dedicated to his people. This is clearly reflected in his last testament-a time when he was approaching the end of his remarkable life. When people get intimations of their mortality, people being human, think of life after death , penitence and hope for a better afterlife. But, nay, Sheikh Sahib , as he approached his last moments had nothing in his mind but concern for his people. He ruminated over the blood and treasure that the people of Kashmir had given to the movement; how this had inspired and motivted him during the dark and forlorn days of imprisonment; how the blood of martyrs and the faith people had reposed him had nurtured and nourished him and how he wanted Kashmir and Kashmiris to be elevated on a pedestal wherein they lived a life of honour and dignity. This can only be a great man.
The best gift and honourable memoriam that we can give to the great man is to align ourselves and correspond ourselves to what was important to him: honourable, dignified and prosperous Kashmir and Kashmiris. Sheikh Sahib was a great man. He boldly and beautifully took on the forces inimical to Kashmir and triumphed against all odds and his adversaries. It is time that we take a leaf from his book and do the same.
Tanvir Sadiq
Chief spokesperson & communications Incharge.